Babysitting 101 – Franklin, TN
Date(s) - 12/30/2017
9:45 am - 2:30 pm
Williamson County Recreational Center
1120 Hillsboro Rd
Franklin, TN
Looking to get your pre-teen/teen certified in babysitting? You’re at the right place! Babysitting 101 prepares your student in how to start their career in babysitting and finish well. We’ll cover the basics in child care such as, what various ages like to do, common problems babysitters face as well as first aid and emergencies.
Bring a mid morning snack and water bottle, plus a sack lunch.
$60 – 4.5 hours teaching plus a workbook & certificate of course completion included.
Instructor: Megan Davis
Click here to register. 15 spaces available
Refund Policy: There is no refund for this class. Questions? Call Julie @ 615-424-5680 or visit